נושא הפרוייקט
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ניתוח תהליכי קידום באקדמיה בעזרת כריית תהליכים
Academic promotion process analysis with process mining
תקציר בעיברית
תקציר באנגלית
In recent years, concerns about diversity and equity in academia have grown. Our research investigates the impact of characteristics like gender, ethnicity, and religion on academic promotion at Ben Gurion University and Sapir Academic College. By employing a combination of cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis, we hope to gain valuable insights into the intricate dynamics at play within these institutions and uncover disparities in degree attainment among different groups, shedding light on prevailing dynamics and promoting equity in academia. To analyze the causes of the differences, we utilized a combination of statistical tools and process mining techniques. This approach enabled a longitudinal study of the process, from beginning to end, without any prior assumptions, relying on a data log consisting of case ID (lecturer ID), activity (academic role), and time stamp. We constructed a comprehensive database incorporating these elements and the various characteristics of the faculty members, facilitating extensive data analysis and segmentation. The data was processed and adjusted to ensure compatibility with Celonis software, which we employed for our analysis. Within the software, we developed dedicated dashboards, providing diverse analytical capabilities and fresh perspectives for hypothesis generation. During our research project, we developed several valuable products. Firstly, we created an adaptable database for process mining tools that contained partial information on academic faculty members from Ben Gurion University and Sapir College. Additionally, we designed a dynamic dashboard for in-depth analysis, enabling convenient updates based on the evolving database and facilitating the inclusion of various types of analyses. Furthermore, we generated equality indices to assess the level of equality within different academic institutions and their faculties. With the help of these products, we had some important findings, including the identification of the most common promotion procedures for different population segments and the highlighting of differences in median transition times between academic positions across population groups and within various faculties or academic institutions. The products we have developed, along with the equality indicators, hold significant implications for promoting equality and inclusion in academia and can effectively guide decision-making processes to cultivate a more equitable environment for faculty members. It is important to bear in mind that the current database encompasses data from only two institutions. Therefore, the design of this database was intended to accommodate future expansion, enabling the integration of data from additional institutions, and ultimately establishing a comprehensive national database.